Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12, 2008

Our Instructor Mr. Dosejo was not around. Thats why, some our classmates make their blogs while others view their friendster. After that we study our topic last night because were having a long quiz this evening. Im scared because tomorrow is our exam. I hope that were past this subject because it is very hard subject to us. And finaly, our instructor Mr. Dosejo, he told us after breaktime we have a quiz. So, this is it hope GOD will help me and guide me this evening. SO GOODLUCK!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008

This is it!!! Im scared because this is the the day that we present our report was all about windows xp. Mr. Dosejo told us after the breaktime we present our report. We are in # two to present our effort last last week. Atlast were done reporting!!hehehe.... Im happy now because its were done.

August 8, 2008

My Instructor Mr. John Dosejo told us that we will having a movie after the breaktime. After breaktime I go to the internet room to make research my report which is windows xp. After that my instructor told us that we will start the show. I enjoying to watch the movie because its funny.

August 7, 2008

Im back.....Im happy for this evening because my classmate Ms. Neriezza Tan won for the speed typing competation. And my classmate and I chear her to support this evening. We are enjoy this evening! After that we go to the internet room to research my report.

August 6, 2008

This is the day that we waited for because, we will no having class this evening. This evening is the competation nor first year and second year, the ICT department session evening. My classmate Ms. Neriezza Tan was wanted me to attend the competation but im scared at the time because I forgot to use in hand arrange in keyboard. Honestly, when I am in first year I really got perfect to how use the hand arrange in keyboard, blindfold, speed typing competation.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

July 29, 2008

It's second day we meet! We create the blogspot. It not easy to creat this blogspot its hard because its our first time to do this. We follow what the instructor told us or what the next to do. Im sure after this we know a lot of this blogspot.

August 05, 2008

It's me again...hehehe..This is it we have our long quiz today! I seriously study this day, what our topic last night becuase we have our quiz. Atlast, we are finish our quiz. Im very thankful because its so easy what we take up last night obout medical problem. After the quiz its time for our breaktime instead we take our snacks we spend our time to create this blogspot. Even though we are hungry, we suffering create this blogspot so that were'nt behind this blogspot. AGAIN......THANK'S TO MR. DOSEJO...our instructor!

Monday, August 4, 2008

August 04,2008

Today is August 04, 2008.We discuss about what medical problems can result from using the computer incorrectly. First, is the CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome. Second is the CTS or Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. And the last is MSD or the Musculoskeletal Disorder. And we have ESD Prevention, ESD creates an over voltage situation that can damage computer components. I have many learn this evening. Especially, How we protect our self from ESD and how ESD charge. Again....thank you sir for sharing your knowledge about what we take up this evening.